User Experience Designer
Ideation Facilitator

Skill Set

Ideation Facilitator

Ideation Facilitator

When I am low on ideas, I hold white boarding and affinity diagramming sessions with team members when kicking off a project. 



Before I boot up my computer, I like to sketch ideas on paper or on the whiteboard.

User Research

User Research

I have facilitated everything from surveying, to scrappy start-up research, to a usability test held in Microsoft's state of the art lab.

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Persona Generation

Persona Generation

I base my personas on user interviews and demographic information from whatever tracking is available to me.



For multi-page projects, I like to map out the different pages and start to get a sense of where everything needs to go.



I usually like to wireframe in Illustrator, but I am also comfortable with Balsalmiq.

High Fidelity Comps

High Fidelity Comps

I'm comfortable handing off my wireframes and specs to a web designer or making high fidelity comps on my own.



I have made prototypes both for team communication and for user testing. I am most comfortable with Axure and Marvel but am open to other applications as well.

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Design Specifications

Design Specifications

I detail interactions, flows, and more in spec documents and user stories.