User Experience Designer

Unikrn Homepage


One of the very first tasks I was given at Unikrn was to redesign the homepage. As it was, the site was very content focused, and did not convey that was a betting site. My job was to drive sign ups and make sure the homepage clearly communicated that you can place a bet on Unikrn.

I identified three main issues with the current site:

  1. Unikrn treats new visitors and signed-in users the same way

  2. Placing bets was difficult

  3. Users were confused as to what Unikrn actually does


New visitors and signed-in in users saw the same homepage, despite having very different needs.  My solution for signed-out users was to remove many of the dashboard features from the homepage, unless a user was signed in, and to add a description of what Unikrn does next to a call-to-action to sign up. Conversion rate increased by 60% month-over-month after implementing the change.


Signed-in users needs weren’t being met very well either. We only surfaced a few matches that users could bet on on the homepage. I created a new system that allows users to view all upcoming games on the homepage, to filter by games they follow, and to search for specific teams. The number of bets placed on Unikrn quadrupled after the change.



After conducting a usability study on the updated homepage, I found that many people were still confused by what exactly Unikrn's offering was. We designed a splash page for first time visitors explaining what Unikrn is and it was very well received in testing. When we rolled it out on the site, we saw conversion rate increase by an additional 80% month-over-month. 



Senior UX Designer: André Wyatt

Senior Web Designer: Michael Moodie

Production Design: Andrew Alimbuyuguen